Radio Maria NL

by Kwaaijongens



Radio Marias mission is to evangelize and to support and stimulate listeners in their faith. The radio is an ideal medium for this because the Catholic sound can be heard everywhere: at work, at home or on the road.Radio Maria is at the heart of the Roman Catholic Church. That is why it is primarily a prayer radio. The daily celebration of the Eucharist, the prayer of the Hours and the Rosary with the intentions of the listeners occupy a central place.In addition, Radio Maria wants to inform at every level about the treasures of the Church, with, as in the Gospel, special attention for the weaker in society: the sick, the elderly and lonely people. Radio Maria wants to bring comfort and connection and strength in difficult times. Preferably in direct contact with the listeners. They are therefore expressly invited to pray, talk and think along. In this way, the listeners and the program makers form a close community of faith that complements parish life.